Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Stones and their Connections to Your birth Month

Stones have always been close to humans. It is believed that stones are conducive to success and bring good luck to one’s life but this is only possible if the right stone is worn. Stones are often worn in combinations in jewellery Semi Precious Stones, Blue Chalcedony.  These can be general stones, semi precious stones or precious stones, combined with other accessories.  They can look good and enhance the look of the person wearing them, but also bring good fortune into your life.

There is a wide range of good luck stones available which can be chosen for more than their look, their essence in life matters. These are actually known as birthstones, the perfection of which can only be ensured if they are worn wisely as per the month or date of birth. When the right birthstone is selected it can not only bring good fortune but can also affect health and life, in the right manner. The right birthstone is also famous for bringing prosperity and happiness to life and therefore they are widely worn.

  • January 

Garnet is good for those born in the cold month of January. This is a positive stone that brings health and power to those born in January. It maintains the blood flow in the body, keeping the heart healthy. For Aquarius,Garnet is the best stone. 

  • February

Amethyst is the most suitable stone for Pisces and this is because it is an amazing healing stone. This stone can kill your worries and it calms down the anger associated with people born in February. It is equally good for bringing peace and happiness in life. 

  • March 

The blue and soothing colour of Aquamarine is said to do wonders for people born in March. This is a traditional birthstone for Aries that is known to increase intelligence. This is a healing stone that can bring courage and happiness. 

  • April 

Diamonds are the stone for the April born. It can bring love and power to Taurus. It strengthens body and soul for the ones who can afford them. This is a jewel for bringing out the best qualities in Taurus. It raises the soul of the person who wears them. 

  • May

Emeralds are good for Gemini and can bring joy to their lives. They help sharpen the mind and keep them futuristic. Emeralds are also responsible for enhancing love and contentment to their lives. This is also a good stone for fertility. 

  • June 

For people born in June the traditional stone is Pearl. Elegant, lustrous and lovely, the pearl can bring modesty and purity to their life. The pearl promotes happiness in married life and is famous for bringing love, money, protection and luck. Pearls are one of the strong stones and equally good for June people. 

  • July 

Traditional stones for July born are Rubies. This precious stone brings zeal and passion to the lives of Leos. These stones help fight fear and anxiety. They are a good healer for depression. They are also known to bring confidence in one’s life. 

So when you really want to bring good luck to life, you must select the right stone for your birth. It is said that a rightly chosen stone can bring a better way of life and you may noticea real difference. If you want to add a nice look to these common precious stone options you can try using them with some precious metals or a Tanzanite Quartz accessory. These are thestones for people from January to July. Stones for other months can be read in other upcoming articles. 

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